Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh simply wonderful

Argh! Screw my piano exam! My hands were trembling as i walked into the room. It was freezing and there was the examiner, Neil Roxburgh, sitting at the table, smiling. It was evilll! My scales, exam pieces and aural were terrible! It would be a miracle if i passed -_- Had the piano exam at Impiana KLCC Hotel. Not very grand but it'll do. Mom and i were busy camwhoring while waiting for my turn. HAHAHA!
*snap* what do you think?
stop laughing.
can't help it!!

After the exam, mom and i went window shopping in KLCC and ended up buying nothing. Things there were freaking expensive. Then met up with dad and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. I was hungry, stuffed myself with the chicken salad mom ordered ;D Then went home and talked to Joel and text messaged Nisha for awhile. While i was trembling my guts out during exam, people at school were having fun playing UNO cards. No fair :'( Well, leaving for Penang tmrw so might not be able to blog for awhile now :)

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