Friday, September 12, 2008

Gerald Poo

Study hard and God bless (:

Went to Pizza Hut today to celebrate Gerald's birthday. Gerald was late! Picked me up and Joel waitd for half an hour at Pizza Hut and was getting restless ;o So got there, ordered the food and waited for Kennard. Kennard arrived half an hour later. Justin couldn't make it. After stuffing ourselves with food and chit chatted for awhile, Kennard and Joel told me to keep Gerald busy while they go get the cake. I talked to Gerald and Gwen and waited for the boys to come back with the cake. Then SURPRISE! But Gerald knew -_- Anyways, sang him a birthday song and Joel and Kennard forgotten to put one more candle! They found the other candle in the plastic bag. We laughed and went high. We were like, wtf -_- After the cake, then we played black jack and Kennard and i played Speed. As usual, i went high and started laughing for no complete reasons. Haha! Then Gerald, Joel and i walked to tuition and Kennard went home following Gerald's mom. Matthew gave Gerald a birthday present during tuition and was wondering what he gave x) It was fun, and tiring. During Physics class, Joel and i almost fell asleep cuz we were so tired :D
Brotherly Love <333
Gwen and Gerald
Joel, me and Kennard
Aw, birthday boy (:
Gerald and Joel

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